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  • GDPR Compliant

Adding Information to Chat

Adding Information to Chat

Using some simple HTML code you can add information to the blue bubble that is included in all chat requests. This is a very useful feature if you would like to create a more interactive chat experience for your customers.

Many of our customers have websites that include a login. This means that the visitor's name is known, so why not use this information to enhance the chat experience? As an example, you could simply add some code like this:

<a href="" rel="me">John Doe</a>

to retrieve the name of the visitor.

It is also possible to expand the information retrieved from a visitor using the following example: 

<dl rel="me">

<dt>Order Number</dt>


<dt>Date of Birth</dt>



More information on using this tag can be found here:


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at support@channel.me or by using ths chat button available on the agent console.