As many of you may have realized, our current implementation of the agent screen is aimed directly at the agents who will be dealing with customers directly. There are however some agents who play other roles when it comes to Supervisors are there to manage agents and check statistics for instance and should not be dealing with customers directly. When any agent logs in, this is the screen that is currently seen:
As you can see, any agent that logs in is immediately available for chat. We want to modularize this and make it possible to allow the agents to select which screen they start with after logging in:
From the Home Screen you can select which activity (app) you want to use, thereby avoiding the possibility of a supervisor agent having to deal with customers for instance. Click the appropriate icon:
All other apps can be accessed from any screen and you can always return to the Home Screen.
Feel free to add feedback and suggestions!
mooie aanvulling, dit voorkomt een aantal gemiste chats! Posted 7 years, 9 months ago.
Fijn! Net geprobeerd, werkt perfect. Dit verbetert de klantbeleving (voorkomt gemiste chats) en de supervisor ervaring (eerder toegang tot bijvoorbeeld Analytics zonder chats per ongeluk binnen te krijgen). Dank jullie voor de update. Posted 7 years, 8 months ago.