Website visitors can experience errors on your website.
Information could be needed to create an internal IT ticket so that the issue can be reproduced and solved quickly.
When an Agent or Visitor isn't very technical, it can be challenging to find out the technical details needed by IT.
Because this information isn't needed for every visitor, we will add an action button to display it to the Agent so it can be easily copied into the IT ticket.
UPDATE 19 Feb 2020 - Thanks to Anna from Vacansoleil we made a new version:
The chat will look the same but it has an option, collapse ""technical details" in case of website issues that need to be reproduced by the IT department.
Standard view
Technical details view
What information is important to you? Let us know in the comments.
I would not include the IP address but the other details are really usefull for our IT tickets, to help them solve possible website issues. Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.
But what does a screen size of 2560x1440 mean? Is it big, small? I don’t have a clue. Is 45Mbps fast or slow? How am I supposed to know that kind of stuff? Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.
Onze IT afdeling kan hier veel info uit halen, dus wij zien deze toevoeging graag. IP adres is niet AVG proof, dus die moet je er uit laten.
Komt deze info mee in de rapportage? Dat zou mooi zijn, want dan kunnen we die met het gesprek doorzetten naar IT. Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.
@Laura, het is straks AVG proof (dus zonder IP adres).
De info is straks ook te zien in de rapportage. Posted 5 years, 1 month ago.
Can you give feedback, how could each option help us with better service? As I'm not technician. Posted 5 years ago.
@Anna thank you, that is really value feedback!
We did an update of this roadmap item so it will look the same as you are using right now but also with an option for the IT department to have a better understanding in case of website problems that needs to be solved.
Some customers forward their chat conversation in case of website issues. Posted 5 years ago.